3 eT JOZ Katarzyna Kuźniar

Dear Students, Unfortunately we still have to work from home. Below I prepared topics for you to do at home. Remember that I will explain everything during our TEAMS meetings (according to your school schedule). Please do all tasks. I will check everything when we meet at school. Write down all your notes in your […]

3 eT język angielski

Poniedziałek 03.01.2022 (3.9) „A descriptive email” – writing (str. 44 – podręcznik). Zadanie 1 – odpowiedz na pytania. Zadanie 2 – odpowiedz na pytania do modelowej wypowiedzi. Zadanie 3 – dopasuj tematy do paragrafów. Zadanie 4 – zaimek YOU użycie. Proszę przeczytać LANGUAGE FOCUS oraz zrobić zadanie 5. Ćwiczenia strona 44 zadania 1, 2, 3, […]

3 eT JOZ Katarzyna Kuźniar

Dear Students, Unfortunately we still have to work from home. Below I prepared topics for you to do at home. Remember that I will explain everything during our TEAMS meetings (according to your school schedule). Please do all tasks. I will check everything when we meet at school. Write down all your notes in your […]